Hi there,
Now's the time to share with you two food options that have a positive health aspect that you can include in your Mishloach Manot. For those who don't know what I'm referring to, 'Mishloach Manot' is the term for the basket of sweets, foods and beverages that people exchange with their friends and family during the Purim holiday. It is one of the commandments of the holiday that is derived from the Book of Esther (9:19-22) and serves as a reminder of the great achievement in overcoming Haman while strengthening the kinship and ensuring that everyone has something tasty to celebrate with.
The two options are as follows:
Sugarless, Low Carb. Candies by 'Caring Candies'
Using 'Organic Whole Grain Spelt Flour' by 'Tvuot' for your Oznei Haman/Hamantashen
Sugarless, Low Carb. Candies by 'Caring Candies'
The 'Caring Candies' company manufactures both candies and chocolate bars that are sugarless, gluten-free and do not contain animal ingredients, artificial food coloring or preservatives! The company's products, which advocate healthier products, are imported to the country from South Africa by Schneider Service and Marketing. For Purim, there is a 10% discount on their website.
The wonderful candies, have a subtle sweetness and are based on natural extracts of flavorings, aromas and food colors derived from plants, and isomalt (a sweetener extracted from beets). The candies do not contain fruit and are offered in several shapes, colors and flavors:
"Little Lollies" lollipops: circle-shaped candies, marketed in packs of 8 candies - 2 of each flavor. Each candy has 19 calories. The assortment includes: tangerine, cherry, tutti fruitti and banana. Also marketed in bulk in a variety of flavors.
"Little Lovies" candies: Heart-shaped candies in a package weighing 100 grams. Each candy has about 5.7 calories. The candies are offered in a variety of flavors including: fruit, mint, toffee, licorice and more.
PRICE: 13.90 NIS for packing candy on a stick weighing 80 grams, and for packing heart candy weighing 100 grams.
KOSHER CERTIFICATE: Parve Mehadrin, under the supervision of Badatz Cape Town and with the approval of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
The chocolate bars, which include dark chocolate and milk, are made from natural ingredients and contain maltitol powder and some also contain isomalt. Each snack weighs 50 grams, contains a low amount of carbohydrate (2-3 grams of carbohydrates per snack).
The series comes in five flavors:
Bitter chocolate (70% cocoa) in 2 flavors: with chips of sour cherries or with mint chips
Milk chocolate in 3 flavors: with mint chips, with toffee chips or in a smooth texture (without chips).
KOSHER CERTIFICATE: Parve Mehadrin for the bitter chocolate and Dairy Kosher - for the milk chocolate (Akum), under the supervision of the Cape Town High Court and with the approval of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
PRICE: 8.90 NIS for a snack weighing 50 grams.

Using 'Organic Whole Spelt Flour' by 'Tvuot' for your Oznei Haman/Hamantashen
The "Tvuot" company, which specializes in organic and natural food products, manufactures organic whole spelt flour that is a healthier option for baking Oznei Haman and other cookies and cakes. They have even included a recipe.
According to naturopath Yaara Cohen Ichilov, whole grain spelt flour, which is ground from the kernel in its entirety, is rich in dietary values, including dietary fiber, B vitamins, protein and minerals such as iron, calcium and potassium. Compared to regular wheat, the composition and structure of the gluten protein in spelt allowing for more convenient digestion for those who are only mildly sensitive to gluten. It is not suitable for celiac patients. The flour is available at retail chains, health food stores and select stores around the country.
KOSHER CERTIFICATE: Parve under the supervision of the Chief Rabbinate and Badatz Belz.
Price: 12.90 NIS for a package weighing 500 grams.
Hamantashen from Organic Whole Grain Spelt Flour
Courtesy of the naturopath Yaara Cohen Ichilov
Dough Ingredients:
1 + 1/2 cups Tvuot's organic whole grain spelt flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons cane sugar
1/2 cup milk or sugarless vegan milk
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Date Filling Ingredients:
Process all the ingredients in a food processor.
5 Medjool dates lightly soaked in hot water
2 tablespoons almond spread
1/2 teaspoon natural vanilla extract
Chocolate Filling Ingredients:
High-quality dark chocolate (60% cocoa solids or more).
For the dough, put the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. Add the milk and coconut oil to the bowl and mix, until all the ingredients are combined. Wrap the dough in saran wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface. Cut out circles using a cup.
In the center of each circle place a spoonful of date filling or a cube of chocolate and fold into a triangle shape
Bake for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180°C.

Have a Happy and Healthy Purim!
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