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Holocaust Memorial Day: The Story of Jacques's Violin at the Agam Museum

Talma Gotteiner

Hi there,

You are invited to join the memorial meeting that will take place on the evening of the Holocaust Memorial Day, at the Yaacov Agam Museum of Art which has arranged for a particularly moving musical salon that will share with the audience the extraordinary and chilling story of Jacques Stroumsa, the violinist from Auschwitz.

The evening, conducted by the international violinist Eyal Shiloach and musically arranged by Dr. Uri Brener, will be accompanied by authentic musical pieces to the original notes of Stroumsa alongside other pieces of music from "Schindler's List", "Our Town is Burning" and more. Lastly, the discussion will be moderated by Dr. Anat Leibovitch.

The Yaacov Agam Museum of Art is a multi-stage media space that is designed in line with the vision of the artist Yaacov Agam, one of the founders of the kinetic movement and one of the world's leading artists in the twentieth century, who anchors his artistic philosophy in his Jewish spiritual roots.

Holocaust Memorial Day:  The Story of Jacques's Violin at the Agam Museum
Credit: Moti Shalev

WHEN: Monday, April 17, 2023, at 19:30, Open to the Public

WHERE: The Yaacov Agam Museum of Art, 1 Meishar Street, Rishon LeZion

Jacques Stroumsa was born in 1913 in Thessaloniki, Greece, the eldest of four brothers and sisters in a Jewish family that was exterminated by the Nazis. Stroumsa was an engineer and violinist who survived the Holocaust when he was sent to the men's orchestra in the Birkenau camp where he played when the prisoners were going to work and during public executions, before being transferred to grueling physical labor in Auschwitz. His sister Julie who played in the women's orchestra in Auschwitz survived the camp but perished in Bergen-Belsen. Of Stroumsa's family only he and his little sister Bella survived.

After the Holocaust, Jacques moved to Paris, where he continued his engineering studies and married for a second time Laura, a Holocaust survivor born in Athens. After the Six-Day War, Jacques immigrated to Israel with his new family and began working at the Jerusalem Municipality. Jacques played for years at memorial ceremonies both at the concentration camp and in Israel, lectured, and researched the history of the Jews in Greece. His book "And you chose life" was published in eight languages. Stroumsa died in 2010 at 97, leaving behind three children, eight grandchildren, some of whom play the violin, and many more great-grandchildren.

Eyal Shiloach is a violinist, arranger, and composer of Jewish soul music and Middle Eastern ethnic music. He appears as a soloist with orchestras, recitals, and festivals all over Europe collaborating with world-class artists and musicians.

Uri Brener - Composer, arranger, pianist, and bassoon player with prestigious awards. A member of a family of musicians who started playing and studying music in Moscow at the age of 4. He later continued his studies in Germany before immigrating to Israel. In his performances, he combines free improvisations with written music and collaborates with well-known artists from Israel and abroad.



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