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MedTec Israel: Presenting the Ultimate and Advanced Treatment for Cartilage Erosion Utilizing MBST®

Talma Gotteiner

Hi there,

I am happy to share with you some information about a private clinic in Ramat-Gan as presented by orthopedic surgeon and sports physician, Dr. Shmulik Itzchak.

With Dr. Shmulik Itzchak, MedTec Israel

Medtec is currently presenting the world's most advanced cartilage erosion treatment based on nuclear magnetic resonance therapy termed MBST®, a globally patented therapy. MBST® is designed to restore the activity of cartilage cells for treatment of sports injuries, arthritic shoulder or hip and arthritic joints in the hands and feet including the fingers, knee and ankle. Today, most of the treatments offered for cartilage erosion treat the symptoms alone, usually with chemically based medicines and finally with invasive solutions such as joint replacement surgery.

Magnetic resonance imaging, which is a key component of MRI and MBST® technology affects the cause of degenerative cartilage and bone structure thus delaying or even preventing the need for surgery. The magnetic field used for treatment stimulates the hydrogen protons in the body and induces the cartilage cells to produce more collagen fibers resulting in increased function of the joint. Thus, although cartilage cells do not replicate, the energizing MBST® therapy enables them to function as younger cells and has a protective effect. Moreover, the treatment is completely safe, non-invasive, pain-free and without side effects.

MBST® is approved for use in the European Common Market (EC) countries and in Israel with the approval of the Ministry of Health.

MedTech Israel, MBST® Therapy

The way the treatment works is such that each joint area to be treated is assigned an appropriate frequency using a specific treatment card to ensure effective treatment for each joint. The device consists of two parts: a 40 cm wide arc directed to the center of the damaged joint and a computer that produces and transmits the electromagnetic field to the arc, according to frequency assigned by the treatment card.

MBST® treatment in the MedTec clinic includes the following steps:

1. A thorough examination by an orthopedist. 3. A series of treatments, each one hour long, in consecutive days. 4. Daily mobility exercises tailored to each patient individually. The exercises will be demonstrated by the team of therapists at the end of the treatment series. 5. Further examination, about 6-12 weeks after completion of treatment. Follow-up by the doctor for comparison and assessment of efficacy. 6. An additional examination is performed 6 months and one year after treatment, in order to evaluate long-term treatment in terms of pain relief and mobility.

Thanks to the effective use of the MBST® technology, significant health outcomes and improvements are being obtained, which are a perfect alternative to the treatments offered in the market without surgical intervention.

The initial consultation is free.

Contact Details: Medtec, 7 Menachem Begin St., Gibor Building 8th Fl., Ramat-Gan Phone: 03-9043434 Email: Hebrew Website

Best, Talma

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