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Passover up North 2022

Talma Gotteiner

Hi there,

I've picked out the three best activities up North, especially for you.

Credit: Kfar Blum Kayaks, Yossi Aloni
Passover up North 2022

WHEN: April 2022 as detailed below

Wind Farm Visitor Center Maale Gilboa - A Holiday Tour

During the holiday tour at the wind farm, you will get to know up close what renewable energy is, how wind electricity is made and why 6 km of shafts and huge tunnels were hewn in the depths of Gilboa mountain range. The tour of the wind farm will take you to a spectacular view of the Valley of the Springs and includes an exciting film about the power of the wind. Together with the children you will measure the wind, learn how a wind turbine works and will expose you to a new and huge project of energy storage through water reservoirs.

Open: The activity is on Sundays-Thursdays during the Passover holiday, April 17-21. Tours take place between 10:30-15:00 every half hour (Thursday last tour at 12:30).

Cost: 30 NIS for ages 5 and up. There is also a workshop for creating weather vanes for an additional fee.

For more details and reservations visit the website.

'Havayama' on the Sea of ​​Galilee

This Passover, 'Havayama' is launching a unique cruise attraction, one of its kind in the world, a self-sailing and navigation cruise. The cruise takes place in motorboats without the need for a sailing license. It is equipped with a tablet screen, on which a unique navigation system was built, which includes a live navigation map and voice guidance, which accompanies the cruise participants. The content and audio explanations during the cruise include the geography and history of the cruise route and the entire Sea of ​​Galilee and will take you to the magical nature spots that not many get to see in the national lake.

The "Havayma" project was established in Kibbutz Ginosar, by a member of the kibbutz, the founder of the project, who managed based on his childhood experiences and deep acquaintance with the lake, to establish an innovative tourism project that combines a sailing experience, nature, content and love for the Sea of Galilee.

The activity takes place in accordance with the most stringent safety regulations. Before embarking on a cruise, participants will undergo safety instruction and wear a life jacket during the cruise. Also, during the cruise, the "Havayama" inspection unit will monitor the movement of boats along the route and provide a solution in case of need.

At the end of the cruise you can enjoy in the "Havayama" complex overlooking the Sea of ​​Galilee, a quality kosher cafe, construction of fishing rods and fishing, a sculpture workshop, observation trips along the Sea of ​​Galilee, changing rooms, toilets and showers, a changing station, and free access to the adjacent beach.

The Havayama team specializes in ODT and IDT activities for groups and organizations and knows how to tailor entertainment packages for any purpose.

Open: The activity in "Havyama" will take place from Sunday to Friday, not including Saturdays and holidays. The attraction keeps Shabbat and is kosher.

Registration and coordination of arrival on the website.

Kfar Bloom Kayaking

Just before the holiday, the long-awaited approval was received, and the Kfar Blum kayaking season opened on Wednesday, April 13th. The excitement is at its peak after a rainy winter, leading to a great flow in the streams when nature is in full bloom.

Passover will be the opening shot for the kayaking season. The route lasts about an hour and a quarter in natural vegetation from the shipping point in Beit Hillel along the Jordan river. The water is cool at a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius and the best moment is at the small waterfall, where it is recommended to smile - because you are being photographed.. The length of the route is about 4 km.

The Kfar Blum kayaking site, provides a comprehensive entertainment and recreation experience for its guests that offers an air-conditioned tent complex for overnight accommodation containing 60 new fully equipped tents as well as challenging activities. The site includes a rope park for adults and children (new), an omega for the water and a climbing wall 12 m high, a new buffet and next to it a nicely designed seating area that has been renovated and upgraded for the benefit of those who come to the site. The buffet has a variety of kosher dishes and products for Passover. During the winter, the wardrobes, toilets and showers were renovated.

Open: 10:00 –15:30.

Ages: From the age of 10 accompanied by an adult over the age of 18 (there is an age limit depending on the water flow in Jordan).

Cruise price per person on a regular cruise: 110 NIS. Discounted tickets can be purchased on the website and through consumer clubs.

For details: 04-6902616 of through the website.

Happy Passover!


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