Hi there!
I've lived in Ramat-Gan all my life, but never heard of this club before, and it is really unique. The club specializes in personal training for fitness and weight loss utilizing very advanced equipment for either active or passive workouts that in combination with spa treatments lovingly force your body to lose weight.
Since I am already a member of a regular gym, I tried one of the spa treatments, but I'll explain a bit about both.
It should be noted that if you have any medical conditions, you should consult with your physician before trying out any new treatment.
Spa Treatments
The gym has a phytosauna, which is a cedar barrel with a hole on the top for your head, while steam is circulated within. After 15-20 minutes of steaming your body will sweat out toxins and impurities leaving your skin cleaner and glowing. The heat is also very relaxing for the muscles and joints. Saunas are also known to stimulate release of endorphins, thereby increasing the relaxing effect.
The sauna treatment can be coupled with a number of massages offered. They have classical massages, visceral massages and anti-cellulite massages that improve lymphatic drainage. In addition, they have reflexology treatments and chiropractic treatments that complement the rest.
Their special spa package includes up to 30 min in the phytosauna together with a 30 minute massage, a hot beverage and light refreshments.

Passive Workouts
Usually a personalized weight-loss regimen will include both passive and active workout equipment.
The passive workouts are basically done by a machine that flexes your muscles for you while you lie down and relax. Their VIP Line Plus machine has numerous electrodes that can be placed on any part of your body to contract the muscles in a focused manner leading to improved lymphatic drainage, body shaping and reduced girth. The electrodes can even be placed on your facial muscles to help tighten and lift the tissue for a more youthful appearance.

Active Workouts
Their active workouts are different from the regular gym equipment in that they increase resistance and make your muscles work harder during each training. The increased resistance causes each workout with their machine to achieve an effect that is equal to a number of regular workouts that don't have a built-in resistance mechanism.
For example they have a machine called the "Vacustep", which is a stepper that has a special skirt that you put on. While you are working out, a vacuum is created that pulls against you from beneath the skirt, from your waist down so that while you are on the stepper you're working against resistance.
Next to it, in my photo you can see the "Slim Roller" that looks like a giant massage roller. The device rolls against your body, breaking down cellulite and fat tissue increasing lymphatic drainage and toning of the skin all with minimal effort on your part. You just have to hold yourself against it while it rolls.

As mentioned, the fitness center specializes in personal training. Every person undergoes an initial evaluation after which a tailored training plan is generated according to their goals. I was impressed and have obtained a 10% discount code for everyone who wants to meet with them and sign up for a session. The code can be found on my 'members only' page. If you're not a member, you'll be instructed to subscribe.
Best of luck!
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