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Talma Gotteiner

UNITY ART: Exhibiting "Aliyah Stories"

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

Hi there,

The UNITY ART gallery will focus this month on artists from the former USSR by portraying a number of virtual exhibitions that will expose the artists, their works and their personal stories to the general public.

UNITY ART: Exhibiting "Aliyah Stories"
Photography Credit: Maria Preige

WHEN: 17-31 Jan 2021. FREE OF CHARGE!

The "Aliyah Stories" project tells about talented artists from among the immigrants who contribute their share to the development of Israeli culture. Among them is Irina Kogan, a painter and teacher, who immigrated to Israel at the age of 16. Her story is a love story for the country and art and is also a story about tenacity. After having a stroke Irina learnt how to paint with her left hand instead of her right. Irina does not imagine her life without a canvas and paints. She successfully participates in numerous exhibitions throughout the year, teaches, and her paintings decorate many homes in Israel. Another story is about Inna Kalter, a glass artist. She has been living in Israel since 1990, and has worked for several years as an architect and interior designer. It was during her recovery from cancer that she discovered working with glass. Her vases, glass paintings, and spectacular glass flowers can be seen in many exhibitions, including international ones.

The artist Nikita Ben-Ami, singer, jeweler, painter and sculptor will also be revealed. She immigrated to Israel in 1992. Nikita's works can be found in private collections and galleries around the world. Nikita also has her own studio-gallery where she creates, teaches and holds exhibitions of her own. Ludmilla Manevich made Aliyah in 1990 and opened a tailor shop. A few years later she began creating three-dimensional paintings of leather and has participated since in many exhibitions and festivals. Diana Tosunyan immigrated to Israel a few years ago. She is the editor-in-chief of the Foreign News on Channel 9+ and an artist. In addition, the general public will enjoy the works of the artist Yelena Kholova who has been living in Israel since 1996. For a long time she was sure that her education in the field of art would be useless and that it would be better to acquire a "real" profession. But at some point she realized she could no longer do without her beloved colors and returned to creating and participating in exhibitions.

Among the project participants there are "fresh" new immigrants alongside "old" ones. Other participants in the artists' project include: Marina Vecherov, Veronica Sarah Seanyuk, Julie Divgeny, Maria Goncharov, Elena Reznikov, Tanya Pierovich, Nina Brostinov, Tamara Reznik, Irina Mazor Glatz and many more.

According to Maria Preiger, founder of the Unity Art Association and curator of the project has stated: "The virtual platform of the exhibitions creates a perfect illusion of presence thanks to 3D graphics. The past year has made us look for new ways and new solutions. Art and culture are very vital and important to preserve and develop in any period. The quality of society is determined by its attitude to art and culture."

The virtual exhibitions can be viewed on the UNITY ART Facebook page.



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